姓名:石玉娇 学历:博? 职称:博士后 职务:师资博士后 研究方向:光声成像技? 联系电话?20-85211436-8304 电子邮箱:shiyuj@scnu.edu.cn 通讯地址:广州市天河区华南师范大学生物光子学研究? 个人主页? |
科研及工作经历: 2017/06至今 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院 讲师 2011/09-2017/06 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院 硕博连读 2007/09-2011/06 山东师范大学物电学院 本科
研究方向?/span> 致力于研究纳米尺度下的光声转换效率放大机制,开展纳米探针光声转换效率机制研究及其对探针尺寸的依赖效应,并理论上探讨相变机制下与热膨胀机制下探针的定量光声转换效率?/span>
Shi, Y., Yang, F., Wang, Q. (2017). Photoacoustic viscoelasticity imaging dedicated to mechanical characterization of biological tissues. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, accepted
Shi, Y., Qin, H., Yang, S., & Xing, D. (2016). Thermally confined shell coating amplifies the photoacoustic conversion efficiency of nanoprobes. Nano Research, 9(12), 3644-3655. Shi, Y., Yang, S., Xing, D. (2017). New insight into photoacoustic conversion efficiency by plasmon-mediated nanocaviatation: implications for precision theranostics. Nano Research, 10(8), 2800-2809. Shi, Y., Yang, S., Xing, D. (2017). Quantifying the Plasmonic Nanoparticle Size Effect on Photoacoustic Conversion Efficiency. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(10), 5805-5811. Shi, Y., Yang, F., Wang, Q. (2017). Photoacoustic viscoelasticity imaging dedicated to mechanical characterization of biological tissues. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, accepted.