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俄克拉何马大?University of Oklahoma)向良忠助理教授到我院进行学术交流
发布日期?017-07-15 17:57:00  浏览次数?span id="hits">

2017??4日,俄克拉何马大?University of Oklahoma)向良忠助理教授应邀到我院进行学术交流,并做了题目为?strong>Radiation-induced Acoustic Imaging: Beating Conventional Photoacoustic Imaging Resolution and Depth”的报告,他深入浅出地阐述了X-ray作为激发源的新型光声成像技术的原理及最新研究进展和面临的挑战。报告结束后,向良忠助理教授回答了现场的提问,与在场师生就相关问题进行了热烈讨论。向良忠助理教授是我院培养出来的优秀博士,给我院的研究生树立了学习榜样。向良忠助理教授的博士导师邢达院长、杨思华副院长等师生60余人参加了本次学术交流会?/p>

向良忠助理教授简历:Dr. Xiang’s research interest is  the development of novel biomedical imaging techniques, including laser-induced  photoacoustic tomography (PAT), X-ray-induced acoustic computed tomography  (XACT), Proton-induced acoustics and other radiation induced acoustic emission  for cancer imaging and therapy monitoring.Dr. Xiang obtained his Ph. D  degree under Prof. Da Xing from South China Normal University in 2010. He was  the PI of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Postdoctoral Training Program  grant at Stanford University (2012-2015) before joined The University of  Oklahoma.  Dr. Xiang has received many awards and honors for his work, including  the DoD Prostate Cancer Research Program Award, SIPE travel award (2016), RSNA  research award (2015), and The Nancy L. Mergler Faculty Mentor Award (2017). He  is a member of the OSA, SPIE, AACR, RSNA and AAPM, and has served as an  associate editor of Medical Physics journal.

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