学士 (2006.9-2010.7), 天津大学 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 电子科学与技术专业;
硕士&博士(2010.9-2016.6), 华南师范大学 激光生命科学教育部重点实验?光学专业?/span>
博士?(2016.7至今), 华南师范大学 激光生命科学教育部重点实验?生物学流动站
近年来在微波热声成像、光声成像等前沿基础科学问题,以微波技术、激光技术、超声技术等为研究工具,研究新型医学影像学原理和方法,以求实现一些重要疾病(尤其是乳腺癌)的高精度探测和定量识别,为疾病诊断提供新的分析技术与工具。相关工作发表在Phys. Rev. Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett., IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., Med. Phys.等物理学和医学影像学领域国际权威期刊。被Appl. Phys. Lett.等期刊文章引?00多次, H因子4?/span>
1、Z. Ji, W. Ding, S. Yang, Q. Chen*, and D. Xing*. Remote measurement of microwave distribution based on optical detection. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016, 108(1), 014104.
2、Z. Ji, W. Ding, F. Ye, C. Lou, and D. Xing*. Shape-adapting thermoacoustic imaging system based on flexible multi-element transducer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 107(9): 094104.
3、Z. Ji#, C. Lou#, Y. Shi, W. Ding, S. Yang, and D. Xing*. A microwave detection way by electromagnetic and elastic resonance: Breaking the bottleneck of spatial resolution in microwave imaging. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 107(16): 164103. #Joint first author
4、F. Ye#, Z. Ji#, W. Ding, C. Lou, S. Yang, and D. Xing*. Ultrashort microwave-pumped real-time thermoacoustic breast tumor imaging system. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 2016, 35(3): 839-844. #Joint first author
5、W. Ding#, Z. Ji#, F. Ye, C. Lou, and D. Xing*. Near-field microwave distribution measurement with a point detector base on thermoacoustic effect. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn. 2015, 63(10): 3272-3276. #Joint first author
6、Z. Ji, C. Lou, S. Yang, and D. Xing*. Three-dimensional thermoacoustic imaging for early breast cancer detection. Med. Phys. 2012, 39(11): 6738-6744.
7、C. Lou, S. Yang, Z. Ji, Q. Chen, and D. Xing*. Ultrashort microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging: a breakthrough in excitation efficiency and spatial resolution. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012, 109(21): 218101.
8、W. Ding, C. Lou, J. Qiu, Z. Zhao, Q. Zhou, M. Liang, Z. Ji, S. Yang, and D. Xing*. Targeted Fe-filled carbon nanotube as a multifunctional contrast agent for thermoacoustic and magnetic resonance imaging of tumor in living mice. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2016, 12(1), 235?44.
9、Y. Fu, Z. Ji, W. Ding, F. Ye, and C. Lou*. Thermoacoustic imaging over large field of view for three-dimensional breast tumor localization: A phantom study. Med. Phys. 2014, 41(11): 110701.
专利号:201110325301.8 授权日期?013???/span>
专利号:201310143725.1 授权日期?015???/span>
专利号:201310567792.6 授权日期?015???/span>