1. Shengnan Wu, Feifan Zhou,Yanchun Wei, W. R.Chen,Qun Chen, & Da Xing. Cancer Phototherapy Via Selective Photoinactivation of Respiratory Chain Oxidase to Trigger a Fatal Superoxide Anion Burst. Antioxidants & redox signaling, 2014, 20(5), 733-746. (SCI indexed, IF 8.456)
2. Qingzhou Ling, Chengbo Meng,Qun Chen, Da Xing, Activated ERK/FOXM1 Pathway by Low-Power Laser Irradiation Inhibits UVB-Induced Senescence through Down-Regulating p21 Expression, J. Cell. Physiol., (2013), (SCI indexed, IF 7.3)
3.Jiaxing Song,Qun Chen, Da Xing,, Enhanced apoptotic effects by downregulating Mcl-1: Evidence for the improvement of photodynamic therapy with Celecoxib, ,Volume 319, Issue 10, 10 June 2013, Pages 1491?504.
4. Huang Qin, Ting Zhou, Sihua Yang,Qun Chenand Da Xing,GdIII-gold nanorods for MRI-IVPAI dual-modality detection of macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques, Nanomedicine, in press, doi: 10.2217/NNM.12.168 (2013). (SCI indexed, IF 7.3)
5.Xichao Wang,Qun Chen, Da Xing,Focal Adhesion Kinase Activates NF-_B via the ERK1/2 and p38MAPK Pathways in Amyloid-_25-35-Induced Apoptosis in PC12 Cells Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 32?012?7?4.(SCI IF 5.1?/p>
6. Huan Qin, Ting Zhou, Sihua Yang,Qun Chenand Da Xing GdIII-gold nanorods for MRI and PAI dual-modality detection of macrophages in atherosclerotic inflammation Future Nanomedicine,accepted?012. (SCI indexed, IF 6.0)
7. Cunguang Lou, Sihua Yang, Zhong Ji,Qun Chen, and Da Xing. Ultrashort Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging: A Breakthrough in Excitation Efficiency and Spatial Resolution. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS?09, 218101 2012. (SCI indexed, IF 7.3)
8. Aiguo Zhou, Yanchun Wei, Baoyan Wu,Qun Chen, Da Xing Pyropheophorbide a and c(RGDyK) co-modified chitosan-wrapped upconversion nanoparticle for targeted near-infrared photodynamic therapy, Molecular Pharmaceutics, DOI: 10.1021/mp200590y, 2012. (SCI IF 4.5)
9. Yanchun Wei,Qun Chen, Baoyan Wu, Aiguo Zhou and Da Xing.High-sensitivity in vivo imaging for tumor using spectral upconversion nanoparticle NaYF4: Yb+3, Er+3 in cooperation with microtubulin inhibitor. Nanoscale, 4, 3901 2012 .(SCI IF 5.9)
10. Yanchun Wei, Jiaxing Song,Qun Chen, Da Xing, Enhancement of Photodynamic Antitumor Effect With Pro-Oxidant Ascorbate. Lasers Surg Med, 44, pp 69-75, 2012.
11.Hongyou Zhao, Da Xing,Qun Chen, New insights of mitochondria reactive oxygen species generation and cell apoptosis induced by low dose photodynamic therapy European JournaL of Cancer, 47, pp 2750-2761,(2011).
12.Yanchun Wei, Jiaxing Song,Qun Chen?#39;In vivo Detection of Chemiluminescence to Monitor Photodynamic Threshold Dose for Tumor Treatment' has been passed to our Editorial Production department. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 10(6), pp 1066-1071, 2011.
13.Li,Yunlong, Xing, Da,Chen, Qun, Chen, Wei R Enhancement of chemotherapeutic agent-induced apoptosis by inhibition of NF-kappa B using ursolic acid International Journal of Cancer, 127(2), pp 462-473, 2010.
14. Ying Yang, Da Xing, Feifan Zhou,Qun Chen,Mitochondrial autophagy protects against heat shock-induced apoptosis through reducing cytosolic cytochrome c release and downstream caspase-3 activation, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 395, 190-195, 2010.
15. Liyong Yang, Yanchun Wei, Da Xing, andQun Chen, “Increasing the Efficiency of Photodynamic Therapy by Improved Light Delivery and Oxygen Supply Using an Anticoagulant in a Solid Tumor Model Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 42:671?79?010.
16. Shiming Luo, Da Xing, Yanchun Wei,Qun Chen,“Effect of Mitochondrial Photosensitizer Photofrin on Cellular Autophagy?Journal of Cellular Physiology, Volume 224, Issue 2 (p 414-422), 2010.
17. Shiming Luo,Qun Chen, Eduardo Cebollero, Da Xing“Mitochondria: One of the origins for autophagosomal membranes??Mitochondrion 9?),227-231?009.
18. Y. C. Wei,, D Xing, S.m. Luo (1), W. Xu ,Q. Chen“Monitoring singlet oxygen in situ with delayed chemiluminescence to deduce the effect of photodynamic therapy,?J. Biomed. Opt. 09493, 2010.